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Week 16 - Final Project Documentation (Plant Care System)

Plant Care System by Team 3: Lina Storfors (2019319203) and Han Seoyeong (2016312108) Interactive Art 2019, Sungkyunkwan University The Plant Care System is designed to help people care for their potted plants by providing information about how much light the plant recieves and how much moisture its soil has. To do that, we used a photoresistor/photocell and a soil hygrometer detection module soil moisture sensor. The Arduino circuit looks like this: First, (in Processing) the user picks what species of plant they have (as ideal light and moisture levels differ between plants). In our prototype you can choose between 3 different types, but if we were to develop this project more, we would of course include more types of plants. After choosing the plant, the user is redirected to a page that shows how the soil moisture level is and the amount of sunlight it recieves, based on the needs of the specific plant. The sensor values are showed in Processing on a sliding scale ...

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